Tuesday, May 17, 2016

388 Thunder Bay, ON Waverly Resource Library

Waverly Resource Library is very up-to-date...they are embracing the "roving librarian" philosopy, in which librarians go looking for people to help, instead of waiting behind the information desk.  I had taken note of the easy chairs in the new fiction and periodicals area, the World War I display (we're in the centennial years for that sad event), the ten computers, the non-fiction stacks, world languages  (Chinese, Italian, Finnish, Spanish, French). I had spotted a Welcome to the Library sign in 12 languages and literature on the Newcomer Settlement Program, which reminded me of the Calgary library I visited two years ago. I saw that paperback fiction is shelved separately, which makes good use of shelf space. And about then, Melanie caught up with me, and we chatted about the pros and cons of shelving biographies in their own area.

We headed downstairs while she explained all the reorganizing that has been going on. At the foot of the stairs is a sitting and browsing area especially for First Nation patrons. To the left, where fiction used to be, plans are underway for a small business hub. A room at the rear is a MakeSpace in the making, and there is a display of items that have been made with the 3-D printer.

The other end of the building houses the children's area, which is very vibrant--and which was hosting a baby story-and-song time when I got there. Melanie introduced me to Angela, who has exchanged some emails with me about Thunder Bay and this trip. Angela showed me the short flight of "stairs to nowhere" which a child had thought might work like gate 9 3/4, but didn't. The plastic tugboat and the story of a first grade class that walked to the library to commemorate the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald, then crowded 20 kids into the boat and proceeded to sing the Edmund Fitzgerald song. And the stuffed owl that used to be in the "gentleman's smoking room" upstairs. Needless to say, there is no more smoking room!

The little ones were having their program in one large room, and another large room was available for them, or older youngsters, to simply play. The things that struck me here were the three-sided easels for coloring or painting. There is also a large playhouse that takes on varied roles I took one last picture of a windowed area with an unusual hexagonal table with each segment sloping to a "lip" at the bottom to hold a book in place.

A very nice start to this challenging trip!


Check out the library's website at http:www.tbpl.ca http://
A view from across the street

Another view, slightly different angle

The entrance to the older part of the library

Angela and I have exchanged a few emails in the past; at last, we meet.

I really like this hexagonal table. 
The windows and cushioned seating are nice, too. 
As is Angela!

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