Sunday, August 27, 2017

Royalton Memorial Library, South Royalton, VT

This will be a different kind of entry. First, I never saw the Royalton library. Second, no picture. Well, of course, you say...if you didn't see it, you couldn't take a picture. That's correct. In addition, my camera needed to be charged. [Downside of a camera that doesn't use batteries: it's easy to forget to charge it, and you can't just stop by a store and buy replacements.]

OK, so what did I see, and where? I was driving up I-89 in Vermont and stopped at one of their very nice rest stops. In addition to the usual facilities and displays, there was a long table spread with books, with an older woman, perhaps my age, "minding the store." The books were for sale by the Royalton, Vermont, Memorial Library. [The cookies were free, but donations were welcome.]

I went back to the car for my camera, then we chatted a bit and she gave me a brochure. She, or another volunteer, sits here every weekend, seeking donations. The brochure is mostly pictures of the library and its many programs. It includes a donation envelope that reads, in part:


Inside the library's brick walls generations of Royalton CHILDREN
and ADULTS have found a world of IMAGINATION,
lifelong LEARNING and ENRICHMENT. Our town's
library is an essential part of our COMMUNITY.

My camera didn't work, I didn't need a book, but I made a donation and a mental note to visit the Royalton Memorial Library the next time I'm driving across Vermont.

If you should happen to want to support this library, they accept PayPal donations on their website.

Over and over I see that libraries want to survive and grow. This is a prime example.


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Sorry about the "verification" step; I added it after a rash of spammish comments.