Monday, May 22, 2023

607 Beals Memorial Library, Winchendon, Massachusetts

 Here we are on another road trip. This time I was looking for a trio of libraries, close to each other and close to Massachusetts. That's right, I crossed the border! The town of Winchenden was a likely candidate, so I checked out their website and found a surprise: The library was nearing the completion of an "infrastructure project" that would make the building fully accessible. 

A sign directed me to an entrance around the left side and I let myself in. As I entered I found a ramp running the length of the room. This is when I realized that the library was not really "open" yet. This is the ground level. There was a desk but no visible staff. I tried a tentative "Hello?" and a person appeared and greeted me. I explained my mission and proceeded to get a tour. This was a case when a tour was welcome, even essential, because of the in-progress state of the building. And it turned out that my tour guide was the library director! I  understand that the library was scheduled to open in two weeks, which would be one week after I post this entry.

I've waited too long to write this up, so I know I'll miss some details; I hope that I won't embarrass myself too much. Please feel free to comment with suggestions. Everything is scheduled for a fresh coat of paint, including the dome and oculus. There was so much to see, I took fewer pictures than usual and chose them more randomly. But at least I did remember my rule to "always look up."

The stacks are a world unto themselves, waiting for patrons to return.

I did get a picture of these handsome curved wooden shelves, original to the library.

At one point, I dashed back from one room to another to capture this good-looking fireplace.

My guide laughed when he saw me pause for this picture.. I seldom take bathroom pictures because they are seldom that interesting. What really caught my eye here was the very small radiator! I imagine that this bathroom is very warm in heating season.

This stage is in the upper room. While my guide discussed a problem with one of the workers [Is it missing? No? Yes? Maybe...] I wandered around to find a point of view that would not include any worker. It's fun to think of all the programs and meetings that will be held in this great space.  [No, it was not missing, but it was a close call. Phew!]

The people of Winchenden have a real gem here. I seldom do re-visits: so many libraries, so little time, you know. But if my wanderings bring me to this area again, I may not be able to resist.


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Sorry about the "verification" step; I added it after a rash of spammish comments.