Thursday, December 26, 2013

220. Weare Public Library, Weare, NH

The Weare Public Library is clearly in New Hampshire, as it has the requisite grandfather clock! It also has a fireplace, seemingly unused, with a "living room" browsing area. A teen area includes a subscription to Teen Ink, a publication I rarely see. This library clearly caters to a youthful audience, providing a table for after school snacks: "Food may be eaten at this table on school days only between 2:15 and 3:30. Please be seated and use the wastebasket...." From discussion with staff, I gather that the table is a constructive "If you can't lick them, join them" solution to what could become a problem.

A display near the adult collection holds the current NYT bestseller list, with books available at the library highlighted in yellow, those available for download in pink. That's a nice touch. I know that there is a "Knit Night" club, but when I went to the library website to look for other programs, the monthly calendar was still on November, 2013. Oops!

The children's area is downstairs, where the space is divided into a number of alcoves. I spotted at least one set of shelves on wheels, suggesting that it may be possible to rearrange the space for programs. Each alcove had something special, including a large puffy fabric turtle, ideal for the tiny tots to sit or lie on. My favorite was the one with a display on the wall titled "Dewey know where to go?" with Dewey hundreds paired with pictures representing the topics. Very nice and inviting way to introduce nonfiction searching to young patrons.

Another sign said "Hoping to make it easier for you," and pointed out that orange dots on the spines indicate easy chapter books. Two computers are available for kids, and the Friends support a program of museum passes, which is very nice.

For more about this library, go to

12/26/2013    bus, plane, car


  1. Love that Dewey question for kids? There is a great article you should read:

    1. Read and enjoyed the article, then placed a request for the book with both Ramsey and Hennepin; we'll see who comes through first! Thanks for the tip.


Comments are welcomed, and I will respond to them. Please be tasteful; comments that are in poor taste will be deleted.
Sorry about the "verification" step; I added it after a rash of spammish comments.