Thursday, June 5, 2014

242. Upsala Minnesota -- Great River Regional Library

Upsala Library, I was told, moved from one side of its building to another in 2010, increasing its space somewhat. It's still a rather small space, but well-utilized. There is plenty for the youngest patrons, including a nylon ball pit and a play tent! A display for the older kids featured LEGO and Transformers books and DVDs.

Every library I visit promotes literacy, of course, but often the aim seems to be solely pre-readers. There was something on the wall about helping pre-schoolers get "ready to read," and I'm sorry I didn't copy it into my notebook. I was distracted from doing that by two intriguing signs for older readers/learners. One was a tongue-twister "The instinct of an extinct insect stinks!" The other was a poem that has many variations: "Whether the weather is warm / Whether the weather is not / We have to put up with the weather / Whether we like it or not." I hope, and want to believe, that these are changed periodically. They reminded me of the Ridgedale library in the Hennepin County system, which has/had vocabulary words and definitions posted throughout the adult shelves.

One more favorite feature here: Books are returned into a plastic laundry basket perched on a chair. No automated materials handling needed here, just a practical eye on "what do we need" and "how can we save money?" [Friendly librarian, too!]

For more about this library go to

6/4/2014   car

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Sorry about the "verification" step; I added it after a rash of spammish comments.