Wrapping up an afternoon of library visits, I've reached Greenfield.
It appears that the front door, which leads to the older part of the library, is no longer used. The sign to the left of the door points out quite sternly that deliveries are to be made to the side door. A similar sign at the side door, along with a very large plastic bin where packages can be left, emphasizes the directive.
A ramp leads past a corner of the newer library, with a cornerstone dated 2003.
I went back down the ramp to get a long view of the new library. The old and new parts have been very well blended.
I meant to ask about "Ella's Childhood Favorites." I saw another collection of "Ella's" books. Since I didn't ask, we'll have to rely on someone leaving a clarifying note, (it happens once in a while) or we will just have to use our imaginations. Who is Ella?
The AUTHOR chair is occupied by either an upcoming visiting author or reader--or perhaps a large, furry gorilla!
Shelves are low enough to allow a good dose of natural light.
I've seen bookends with this design a few times, but not often. They always catch my eye, for their color, their design, and their functionality.
Here's a "something new" item for my (mental) list: a wheeled cart for a moveable feast of books.
These days it would be very unusual to not have a tech center in a library.
This strikes me as a very useful sign. As I've mentioned before, just about every library in New Hampshire now has a telescope that can be borrowed. But I'll hazard a guess that many people don't know that it can be checked out "just like a book"
Here's a bright corner. The white shelves are a great contrast with the book spines.
It's not surprising that the original part of the library is more formal than the more recent part. I'm sure some of the furnishings here are antique, perhaps from the earliest days of the library.
I don't recall seeing a grandfather clock, but there's a nice mantle clock and a fireplace. This space provides quiet and a bit of formality.
I try to remember my "rule" to always look up before leaving a library. I'm glad I did so this time, or I would have missed the interior of the dome.
Here's another angle. I didn't see the dome from outside at all!
I used to have a set of small wooden tables just like these. We sometimes called them "TV trays" because they could be set up near the TV if we "needed" to watch a show at supper time. I'm sure the convenience of an occasional extra table is welcome here.
We're back near the entrance where a puzzle is underway; The wooden board with a raised lip is great for keeping pieces under control, and would even allow for moving the puzzle to another table when necessary.
I spotted a Story Walk a short distance away. They have become very popular. According to the sign this is
"SMLS Story Walk est. 2022, Girl Scout Troop Number 52925."
I have some Girl Scouting in my past, and I'm always happy to see evidence of good Girl Scout programming. The sentence at the bottom was a first for me. I'm not surprised to see it, but once having seen it I wonder why I haven't seen it before. Perhaps the troop leader is a lawyer?
I walked to the first few stations, including the title.
Coming back up the hill from the Story Walk I got a picture from another angle. I still don't see that dome!