Thursday, October 8, 2020

531 Public Library, Chester, New Hampshire

Leaving Raymond, I had another scenic ride to Chester, where I found their library fresh from a recent renovation. It's great to find so many libraries that are either new or updated. Not all, of course, but the trend where I have travelled is clearly to support and modernize community libraries.

Note that the font here is normal. From this point, Blogger takes over and applies the font of its choice. There is a pull-down menu with several choices of format, but after the first picture there will be formats intended for headings. Even though I highlight the text and choose "Normal" from the menu, they remain headings. If anyone knows of a fix or a work-around, please let me know.

It's not just blogger; my camera also has a mind of its own. Once in a while it decides that a picture should be in portrait mode although I take the picture in landscape. There is a fix, but I need to apply it while the picture is still in the camera, and in this case, I missed one. This is the browsing and periodical area.

I once thought that every New England library has a grandfather clock and every midwestern library has at least one quilt. I've since discovered too many examples that bely the generalization. And look: the format is normal. No, I don't know why.
Two reasons for this picture. First, I like the iron book stand. Second, I like Dewey Readmore Books, the abandoned kitten from Spencer, Iowa, who grew up to be a famous Library Cat. I never met Dewey; he died in 2006 at age 19. But I visited the Spencer library a few years ago as part of this project.